Mixing Ends and Means

Mixing Ends and Means

Here is a proposal: simple but profound. It is actually impossible for us to avoid sin, insofar as avoiding sin is our end. A careful thinker will probably narrow his eyes incredulously at hearing this. After all, "impossible" is a strong word...

The Knowledge of God & The Knowledge of Self

First, we need to know who we are. We need to know where we are. We need to know the situation we are in. This is the knowledge of self which the Fathers taught us was so important. This is the message of the Old Testament. It is the call to "repent!" (Acts 2:38). It [...]

Mass Distractions

I was very distracted during mass today. There were a number of things happening around me that made it hard to focus on what was happening at the altar. They were the typical things. The kids behind me were restless and vocal. The sign of peace was awkward. The music selections were questionable. I was [...]

Are You in Control?

Perhaps we're humble enough to admit that we sin. After all, the Bible is pretty clear when it says that "all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). The smallest ounce of honest introspection will force us to admit that we are no exception to the rule. We aren't perfect. [...]